Can you say: K.E.G.E.L.?



Ladies, seriously. Can you say kegel(s)? Please tell me you know what I’m talking about. If not, Google it real quick and get right back here. For those of you that do know what a kegel is but aren’t doing them regularly – set an alarm on your phone right now that reminds you daily to do kegels. I’m going to wait right here while you do that.


Do it, now. Set an alarm.

I’m not joking.

Kegels are super valuable in the world of keeping your puss feeling good and healthy. Just like any other muscle. Add some exercise and you’ve got a stronger, better muscle. (Speaking of exercise – holy crap! I’m sore right now. Sore from working out AND sore from spreading my legs for sex the other night. That means I’m not exercising enough of course. But it also means I’m sore from having sex – yay!! Hey, whatever it takes to get stretched and worked over.) Being in tune with your PC muscle comes in handy when you wanna squeeze that cock that’s deep inside you. “PC muscle” is short for pubococcygeal muscle. While I’m focusing on the benefits for sex, there are other benefits as well. AND I’m seeing it’s also recommended for MEN. So, guys, don’t feel left out here.

I recommend you read up on this shit. It doesn’t take much reading but it’s helpful to know HOW to achieve tightness in the muscles of your vagina. This is NOT only for his pleasure. It’s for YOUR pleasure. When you are doing kegels regularly, you will notice a heightened sense of awareness of your G-spot. The spot vital to your squirting mania. During sex you will prob start feeling him brush directly against your G-spot which then helps get it a little more swollen which helps you feel it more, etc.

Here’s a quick description of how to get started from

“How to do Kegel exercises

To get started:

  • Find the right muscles.To identify your pelvic floor muscles, stop urination in midstream. If you succeed, you’ve got the right muscles. Once you’ve identified your pelvic floor muscles you can do the exercises in any position, although you might find it easiest to do them lying down at first.
  • Perfect your technique.Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, hold the contraction for five seconds, and then relax for five seconds. Try it four or five times in a row. Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 seconds at a time, relaxing for 10 seconds between contractions.
  • Maintain your focus.For best results, focus on tightening only your pelvic floor muscles. Be careful not to flex the muscles in your abdomen, thighs or buttocks. Avoid holding your breath. Instead, breathe freely during the exercises.
  • Repeat three times a day.Aim for at least three sets of 10 repetitions a day.

Don’t make a habit of using Kegel exercises to start and stop your urine stream. Doing Kegel exercises while emptying your bladder can actually lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder — which increases the risk of a urinary tract infection.”

I’ve trained myself to do kegels often. Preferably upon thinking about it. In the car is one of my favorites. Someone told me they do them while standing at the kitchen sink. I have found it can be harder to do them while “in motion” so I make myself do them while I’m walking too. This is probably the easiest exercise routine EVER.

I’m not usually a fan of Cosmo – but I just happened upon this article and I was enjoying the photos 😉 plus, there’s some good ideas there. Plus, when you get to the 9th slide – keep clicking forward cause you’ll get a nice shot of some penises. In bathing suits. I won’t catch you off guard and shock you with total nudity!


And you know what? This is about being in tune with every part of your body. WHY have any disconnect? Especially with the parts that make us feel so good! I’m completely a fan of you getting intimate with your own intimate parts. If you don’t do this – you’ll want to be sure you have privacy if you live with others so be sure to lock the door, any door, the bathroom if you don’t have a lock on your bedroom door. If you have kids and don’t have a lock on your bedroom door …… well, get your ass to Ace Hardware and get that lock (or hound your husband to do it). I’m pretty sure it’s ok to set boundaries with your kids (at a certain age, but well before they are 18 and out of the house). So, yep, I’m gonna tell you now, and you’re probably a little bit (or a lot) terrified of this if you haven’t done it before, but get out that hand-held mirror, lay down on your bed, spread your legs, and take a look. Oh, and be sure to have the lights on, haha. Low lighting is ok if you’re afraid. Everything looks better in dim lighting. But, eventually, it is valuable to be able to look and love.


While you’re down there looking – get out a little vibrator and play. WHAT?!?! You don’t have one? Please do share with me why you don’t have a few sex toys laying around? Or, in your nightstand, or in a shoe box under your bed. Just not too far away where they’re unreachable? There’s that comment box at the bottom. By-the-way – about that comment box below – it’s private. Your message won’t get published unless I tell it to get published which I won’t do without your permission. So, back to the toys. If you don’t have any – I’d like to understand why not. I’m not talking to just singles either. Toys with a partner are super fun. You know why? It can take the pressure off both people having to cum the exact same way every time. Am I just spouting off common sense here? But, the same same all the time gets BORING. Mix it up and mix in some toys. Have your man get you off with a dildo once-in-a-while. If he’s adept – he can also play with himself and you can watch him do that while he’s getting you off with that dildo. It’s fun. That’s just one idea. But, I hope it gets your “juices flowing” and that you start thinking outside the “box”. Recognize there’s lots of ways to make each other feel good besides focusing only on the penis in the vagina. There’s usually at least one person in a relationship that has playful ideas. They have to feel safe in making their ideas known. And if you’ve made fun of them in the past, then they may not ever suggest anything again. So, think that over. Have you ever made fun of an idea? If so, make amends for that! And, of course, I’m not saying everyone is obligated to try everything. But, please certainly be open to hearing any new idea without acting horrified.


We have sure complicated relationship, haven’t we? This is such a first-world thing to do. And please don’t jump to any conclusion here about what I mean by “relationship”. Generally, I believe we immediately jump to thinking that relationship is when two people are “together, only seeing each other” so-to-speak. But, it’s so much more involved than that. We’ve got platonic, we’ve got partnership, we’ve got husband/wife, we’ve got boyfriend/girlfriend, we’ve got friendship, we’ve got friends with benefits, we’ve got lovership, we’ve got cheating, we’ve got roommates, we’ve gotten ourselves into a world of a mess. Nothing is wrong with this. I’m just sayin’ – we’ve got a lot of complication and navigating through this world of relationship is intense. My personal favorite right now happens to be lovership. That’s where I’m at in my life. I didn’t have a child(ren) and so I believe I have more luxury in choice. I happen to have an incredible lover, yet still have my single lifestyle. Exploring the boundaries for sure! I raised some kids for a while and was able to see the value in partnership when in that mode. My true heroines in the world are single moms. How you do that ladies – I am in AWE of you. Because juggling the lifestyle of raising children yet STILL finding time for yourself, your health, your sexuality is truly a remarkable feat. I bow to your abilities. So, when you take a look at yourself and your particular relationship – how’s it working out for you? There are many many reasons WHY you are where you are. One things for sure – choice is right there. Let’s not put each other into boxes. Let’s continue to explore boundaries and ideas together. We have that luxury!

That’s the purpose of this blog. To explore. And when I say box – I keep thinking pussy. So, I’m gonna go focus on that box for a while and I’ll see you back here next week. Ok?? Pinky promise.



One Reply to “Can you say: K.E.G.E.L.?”

  1. Gotta have the toys and lube within reach and plugged in lol. It’s also a nice surprise for your lover when you have it all ready and it’s nothing but GREEN LIGHT! Learning to let go and be vulnerable takes practice so PRACTICE!

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