My good friend, Ed Pasqualin, passed away recently. Thankfully, I spent time with him in February while on Maui. Ed was one of my biggest Lily’s Lip Service fans!! I still cannot believe he is gone. I dedicate this post to him.

I ran across a post on my LilysLipService IG page: “How do I forget someone who made me feel complete but broke me at the same time”. thinkologyofficial. And it summed up exactly what I’ve been battling this week. HOW do I forget that person?? Even when it is absolutely vital that I DO forget them?

Continue reading “RANT.ENDS.HERE. (I hope).”


Dating!!!! Internet dating!!! I feel like I need a doctorate in behavioral science to navigate the personalities and situations that come my way. Internet dating involves a serious handle on how to decipher the difference between chemistry, love, love at first site, lust, attraction, desire, maybe compatibility, maybe mutual admiration of each other, quite possibly disgust. There’s so much BS, it’s quite tough getting to the bottom of what the truth really is (oh, but, silly me, I should never mind the truth). And one of the biggest reasons for that is because we are in denial about just how DEEEEEPLY CONNECTED we truly do or don’t want to be with another person.

Continue reading “INTERNET DATING. OMG.”